Add an Instrument/Meter to Equipment in Antero 7

This article will guide you through the process of adding an instrument, such as a meter or gauge, to your equipment for tracking purposes.

1. To get started, go to the Equipment section by clicking on the icon ribbon in the main application window.

2. From the list on the left-hand side of the Equipment section, select the equipment that needs a meter or instrument added.

If the Equipment Detail panel is not visible, make sure to reveal it by clicking on the "Show Detail Panel" icon highlighted by the red arrow in the image below.

3. Choose the Instruments sub-menu icon, which is symbolized by this specific icon, from the vertical group of icons on the Equipment Detail panel.

4. To add a new meter/instrument, click the Add Instrument button. 

Once the add window opens, give the instrument a name up to 50 characters long and should not be the same as any other instrument connected to this equipment. However, you can reuse instrument names on different pieces of equipment.



7. You may choose the Instrument Type from the drop-down menu. The options available are Meter or Gauge.

8. Specify the units for the meter/instrument. This field is mandatory and allows up to 25 characters.

9. Specify the maximum value for the instrument if it is a meter or a similar device.

10. After saving the configured fields, the instrument will be stored in the database, allowing operators to start entering readings manually. Additionally, for those with the Antero OPC/DDE interface license, connections can be established between OPC tags and instruments within the database.