Add Parts to Antero

Users can add parts in Antero to keep track of necessary supplies to complete work orders.

Having the right parts is crucial for any preventative maintenance program. It is important to have the necessary parts on hand for both planned preventative repairs and unexpected emergency repairs.

By entering parts into the Antero database, organizations can effectively track inventory levels and seamlessly integrate the process of purchasing and ordering parts into their operational workflow.

Parts can encompass a variety of items such as replacement parts, spare parts, consumable parts, hand tools, or interchangeable equipment. Each part must include a minimum set of data, with at least a Part Name specified. This information will be stored in the permanent part file and utilized across the application for seamless workflow integration.

Once work orders are finished and transferred to history, any parts linked to the work order will be automatically deducted from your parts inventory.

Parts can also be linked to suppliers, allowing for the creation of purchase orders when inventory levels are low. Through the ordering feature of the Antero program, organizations can efficiently track order and purchase details specific to each supplier, including invoices and final costs.


To include a part in your database, simply go to the parts section within Antero.


1. Select the blue + symbol from the left corner.

2. Specify the type and name of the part.

3. Specify the warehouse where the part will be stored in your inventory. If you need to add a new warehouse, you can do so from the drop-down menu by selecting 'add new'.

An area refers to a designated spot within a warehouse, like shelf 1, where specific parts can be stored and easily accessed.

4. Specify the current quantity available, establish reordering thresholds, and assign a supplier if needed.

To assign a supplier, simply choose the 'add new' option from the drop-down menu located at the bottom.

5. Once you have inputted all the necessary information, click on 'Save' to add the part to your Antero database.