Intended Use and Storage Considerations of Equipment Documents and Work Template Attachments in Antero 7

This article will outline the intended use, and storage considerations of Equipment Documents and Work Template Attachments

Intended Use

An Equipment Document can be a file of any type and size (see Storage Considerations below). After the document is added to a piece of Equipment, and as soon as a Work Order is generated using the given Equipment, the document can be referenced from the Work Order Viewer's Equipment Documents link for any Work Order generated for that Equipment. Equipment Documents are intended to be Equipment-specific and are best utilized for documents that might need to be referenced in the course of a work order, such as an Equipment-specific wiring diagram, or an Equipment-specific manual.

A Work Template Attachment can be a file of any type and size (see Storage Considerations below). After the attachment is added to a Work Template, and as soon as a Work Order is generated from the Work Template, a unique copy of the attachment can be referenced in the Work Order Viewer Attachments link for each of the Work Orders created from that specific Work Template. Work Template Attachments are intended to be unique documents that only pertain to the Work Order they are attached to, such as a Work Order specific form that must be completed each time the Work Order is completed.

Storage Considerations

When a Document is added to a piece of Equipment, a copy of the document is created and placed into the Antero shared storage directory for the given database. The copy located in the Antero shared storage directory is the document that will be displayed each time the document is referenced throughout the application, and no further copies are made by the application during normal operations, except in the case of a full Antero backup where all data is captured, if desired. Equipment documents generally have a low impact on storage, since they are not duplicated except in the backup scenario mentioned here.

When an Attachment is added to a Work Template, a copy of the attachment is created, and placed into the Antero shared storage directory for the given database. Each time a Work Order is generated from a Work Template with the attachment(s), the attachment(s) on the given Work Template are copied and placed into the Antero shared storage directory for the given database. Since the attachments are intended to be Work Order specific, the unique copies of the attachments are directly related to the Work Order they were generated with, and the unique copies of the attachments can be referenced during the completion of the Work Order from the Work Order Viewer, and after the Work Order is completed from the Work History section. Work Template Attachments may have a high impact on storage, since each Work Order generated from a Work Template receives a copy of the attachments on the Work Template.