How to Create an Operator10 Wastewater, Operator10 Water, or Synexus Pretreatment License Database

All installations of Operator10 and Synexus must connect to a SQL Server instance that contains a license database for each product upon application startup.

Adding Operator 10 Users

This guide pertains to creating a license database for Operator10 Wastewater, Operator10 Water, and Synexus Pretreatment in Microsoft SQL. If your database(s) have not yet been converted to the Microsoft SQL format, please contact your account manager at 800-670-1867. For assistance with creating a license database in the Pervasive format, please contact technical support at 800-670-1867.

Upon startup, every AllMax Software application will attempt to connect to a SQL Server instance that contains the license database. Only one license database for each product will ever exist.

Example: You have purchased Operator10 Wastewater, and Operator10 Water. To use the applications, you must create a license database through each application, so one Operator10 Wastewater license database is created, and one Operator10 Water license database is created. In the SQL instance, you will find that two databases have been created, one that starts with WAS and has your 6-digit account number appended, and another that starts with WTR and has your 6-digit account number appended. Every time one of the applications is started, it will attempt to connect to the SQL Server instance to validate its license. If unsuccessful, the application will not start, and an error will be displayed.

Before continuing, ensure that you have installed your Operator10 or Synexus Pretreatment product, and that you have installed and configured SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio for use with AllMax Software LLC products, and that your Windows login has been granted a login to the SQL Server instance. Find a guide for it here: Install and Configure SQL Server for use with AllMax Software Products


When the application is started for the first time, it will attempt to connect to the SQL Server instance that contains its respective license database. If one is not found, or if a license has not yet been created, the No License Found window will be shown, and the user may create a new license, or specify a different server that does contain the license database. See the window below:

Before continuing, ensure that a license database for your product has not already been created. If one has already been created, select the option "I already have a license on another computer", type in the computer name that is hosting the SQL instance with your license database, and if it is found, press the green checkbox to connect your installation to the database server. If the server is not found, you will see a red warning symbol. Please contact AllMax Technical Support at 800-670-1867 for assistance.

1. Leave the radio button labeled "Create a new license (I have a keycode)" selected, and click the green checkbox in the top right to continue. If the green checkbox cannot initially be clicked, press the TAB key on your keyboard, and then click the checkmark.

2. The Create License window will be displayed in the image below:

3. Server - The top field, labeled Server will take the name of the database serving computer. If the local computer is the database server, leave localhost as the Server name, and continue.

4. Location - The middle field, labeled Location will take a UNC path (shared network folder path beginning with two backslashes \\) to the network shared storage directory, which must be accessible by every user of the software. There are a few items that get stored in the storage directory: custom report templates, logged documents, custom chart templates, and export files; all of which are user files, no application files are stored in the storage path.

Instructions for creating the shared storage directory:

  • Decide where the shared storage directory will reside. The root of the C:\ drive is a good place to put it, or at the root of your storage or data disk. It can be on the server, or any other computer, but it must always be accessible to all users of Operator10/Synexus, so it cannot be on a PC that will ever be off, or off when users are attempting to use Operator10/Synexus. Do NOT make the share on the Windows desktop of any computer.
  • Create a new folder in the location you decided on.
  • Name it something like AllMaxShare, or Operator10Share, or SynexusShare.
  • After the folder is created right-click on it and select Properties
  • From the Properties window, select the Sharing tab at the top of the window.
  • Click the Share… button.
  • If you have an Active Directory user group created for your Operator10/Synexus users (recommended), enter the name of the group in the top-most text box and click the Add button.
  • If you do not have an Active Directory user group for your Operator10/Synexus users, enter “Everyone” without the double quotes into the top-most field, and press the Add button.
  • You may also do this with individual local users if in a Workgroup environment. Simply enter the name of the local user account into the top-most field and click the add button.
  • After adding the group or individual users, ensure that you set the column labeled “Permission Level” to Read/Write as in the image below, and then click the Share button. Enable Network Sharing if prompted.

  • The folder is now shared with the users/group and every user or every user in the group has read/write access to it. Make a note of the UNC path of the network share, which you can retrieve from the properties window of the shared folder. It will begin with “\\”, without the double quotes like in the image below.


5. Return to the Create License window.

6. Enter the UNC path to the network share you just made into the Location field. It should look like the path in the image above, like this: \\SERVERNAME\SharedFolderName

7.  Keycode - The bottom field, labeled Keycode is where you will enter your Operator10 Wastewater/Operator10 Water/Synexus Pretreatment SQL product keycode.

8. Once all of the fields in the Create License window are filled, press the TAB key on your keyboard to activate the green checkbox, and then click the green checkbox in the top-right corner of the Create License window. The Operator10/Synexus license database will be created, along with some folders in your storage directory. After a moment, you will see a message stating that your license was created if successful. Click the OK/green checkbox button.

9. If successful, your Operator10/Synexus license database has been created. You will be presented with the Operator10/Synexus database selection window, where you will be able to create a new user database or restore a user database from an Operator10/Synexus backup file.

Once the license database and the user database(s) have been created, any individual users or user groups that need to use the application must have SQL logins created and roles mapped to the license database of the product(s) they will use, and roles mapped to each user database they will access, as well as being added to the Operator10/Synexus User Security section. Please see the section regarding mapping user roles, and the section regarding mapping roles for the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM login in SQL in this article: Install and Configure SQL Server for use with AllMax Software Products

Additionally, please see this knowledge base article for adding users to the Operator10/Synexus User Security section of the applications: How to Add New Operator10/Synexus Users