How to Replace an Antero 7 Client PC

This article will serve as a guide for Antero administrators replacing an Antero 7 client PC.

Antero 7 operates on a concurrent licensing system, allowing the software to be installed on an unlimited number of PCs. However, the software can only be actively used on as many PCs as the number of seats purchased. Example: your facility purchased Antero 7 with 3 seats. You may install Antero on as many computers at your facility as desired, but only 3 of those PCs may be actively running Antero 7 at any time. 

All versions and installations of Antero connect to a shared license database that exists on the database server. Antero does not create a license on each client PC like some other types of software. After the installation of Antero, you will be prompted to connect the application to a valid license database.

Domain Environment

If the PC being replaced is attached to a Windows domain, and the domain credentials of the user(s) on the machine being replaced will not change, follow these steps:

1. Make a note of the Antero application version so that the same version can be installed on the new PC. The application version may be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the Antero main application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Application Version.

2. Make a note of the database server name that contains the Antero license database. The database server name can be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the main Antero application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Database Server field.

3. Replace the PC and log in to Windows using the same domain credentials used on the old PC.

4. Install the same version of Antero that was used on the previous client PC.

5. After installation, run the Antero application and connect it to the Database Server using the information retrieved from step 2. Do not create a new license - the license already exists on the database server. For assistance, contact AllMax Technical Support at 800-670-1867.

If the PC being replaced is attached to a Windows domain, and the domain credentials of the user(s) are changing, follow these steps:

1. Make a note of the Antero application version so that the same version can be installed on the new PC. The application version may be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the Antero main application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Application Version. 

2. Make a note of the database server name that contains the Antero license database. The database server name can be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the main Antero application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Database Server field. 

3. Ensure that the new users have been created in Active Directory.

4.  Since the user's domain credentials have changed, they will need added to Antero as new users.  Add the users to the Antero User Security section, and grant either the user group or the individual user a login to SQL Server, and map the necessary database roles to the group or individual user. See this article for assistance: How to Add new Antero 7 Users . Contact AllMax Technical Support at 800-670-1867.

Workgroup Environment

If the PC running Antero that is being replaced was in a Workgroup, and the user(s) will be reusing the same username and password on their new PC, please follow these steps:

1. Make a note of the Antero application version so that the same version can be installed on the new PC. The application version may be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the Antero main application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Application Version.

2. Make a note of the database server name that contains the Antero license database. The database server name can be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the main Antero application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Database Server field.

3. Replace the PC and add the same local user accounts to it as before. Ensure that each user logs in with the same exact username and password that they used on the PC that was replaced. If the exact same username and passwords are not reused, the Antero application will not authenticate against SQL Server. See the section labeled "Adding Antero Users in a Workgroup Environment" at this link: How to Add New Antero Users . Contact AllMax Technical Support at 800-670-1867 for assistance.

4. Install the same version of Antero that was used on the previous client PC.

5. After installation, run the Antero application and connect it to the Database Server using the information retrieved from step 2. Do not create a new license - the license already exists on the database server. For assistance, contact AllMax Technical Support at 800-670-1867.

If the PC running Antero that is being replaced was in a Workgroup, and the user(s) will NOT be reusing the exact same username and password on their new PC, please follow these steps:

1. Make a note of the Antero application version so that the same version can be installed on the new PC. The application version may be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the Antero main application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Application Version.

2. Make a note of the database server name that contains the Antero license database. The database server name can be located by navigating to the File tab at the top of the main Antero application window, and viewing the About Antero -> Application Information section -> Database Server field.

3. Follow the steps in the section labeled "Adding Antero Users in a Workgroup Environment" at this link: How to Add New Antero Users . Since the user(s) are not reusing the exact same username and password as before, the users will need to be treated as new users. A summary of the steps involved: add the new users to Antero User Security, then add local accounts to the server that use the EXACT same username and password as the credentials they will use to login to Windows on their new PC, grant those users a login to SQL Server, then map their logins to the databases with the necessary roles in SQL Server.

4. Install the same version of Antero that was used on the previous client PC.

5. After installation, run the Antero application and connect it to the Database Server using the information retrieved from step 2. Do not create a new license - the license already exists on the database server. For assistance, contact AllMax Technical Support at 800-670-1867.