How to retire Equipment in Antero

Antero enables users to retire Equipment that is no longer in use while preserving critical Equipment information.

1. To retire a specific piece of equipment, go to the Equipment section located in the main application ribbon.
2. Choose the specific equipment that you want to retire from the list of equipment displayed on the left-hand side of the Equipment section.
3. After selecting the equipment, click on the Tools icon (displayed below), then choose Equipment Tools, and finally select Retire Equipment.

The retire function is designed for equipment that is no longer in use but requires historical data to be preserved. When equipment is retired, it is removed from the active list and can no longer be selected for tasks such as work orders or procedures. Additionally, any open work orders, work templates, and OPC/DDE links associated with the equipment will be deleted, and the equipment will be taken out of active procedures and their setups.

4. When the user selects Retire Equipment from the menu, a dialog window will pop up, asking for confirmation to retire the equipment.
5. Users have the option to access more information about retiring the equipment by clicking on the blue link labeled "Retire Information".
6. After confirming, the selected equipment will be retired. This means that all associated work templates, OPC/DDE links, and any open work orders for the equipment will be deleted. Additionally, the equipment will be removed from any active procedures and their setups.
7. If there is a need to bring the equipment out of retirement, users can reactivate the retired equipment. By selecting the Tools icon in the Equipment section, users can choose "Include Retired Equipment" to display the retired equipment in the equipment list.
8. Choose the retired equipment from the list, then go back to the Tools menu. From there, select Equipment Tools and choose the option to Reactivate. Once you confirm the action, the reactivated equipment will be restored to the active equipment list and will be ready for normal use.