How to use the Create Through Days Option

The "Create Through Days" option is a crucial aspect of managing work orders effectively. Let's dive into why this option is significant.

The "Create Through Days" feature allows you to specify how many days in advance Antero should automatically create scheduled work. You can set the Create Through Days from 1 to a maximum of 365 days.

What is the significance of Create Through Days?

In Antero 7, a decision was made to eliminate the forecast section in Work Orders. Previously, users were able to click on a date to forecast upcoming work orders. While this feature was helpful, it required users to navigate to a separate section solely for forecasting work orders.

The intention behind this feature is to streamline work order management by consolidating forecasting and organization into a single section. By incorporating custom statuses and a comprehensive grid view, users can easily add and categorize all their upcoming work orders for better organization.

What factors should a user consider when choosing the number of days for this option?

The number of days set for the Create Through Days option determines how far in advance work orders will be automatically created in the work order management section. For example, if a user sets it to 30 days, all pending work orders scheduled for 30 days ahead will be generated. This allows the user to view and organize work orders that are a month in advance.

Users who want to see a greater volume of work orders can choose to set this feature to 365 days. By doing so, the Work Order Management section will continuously create work orders that are scheduled a full year in advance from the current date.

Tip: For users looking to forecast upcoming work orders, we recommend extending the Create Through Days setting to enable the system to generate work orders in advance. This approach offers the benefit of allowing users to view and prepare for future work orders that are already created and set to be executed.


How can the Create Through Days option be adjusted?

The displayed number represents the days in advance that the Antero service will automatically generate work orders and procedures. Users who prefer planning ahead or managing future work orders should input a number greater than one (1) in this field. Antero no longer supports the Forecast or Schedule features for work orders. The automatic creation of future work orders is now handled by the Antero service.

1. To adjust the Create Through Days number, simply click on the blue "Change" hyperlink located at the end of the Create Through Days line.


2. The window for adjusting the Create Through Days will open.


3. Input a numerical value or utilize the directional arrows to adjust the Create Through Days setting.

4. Click on the "Apply Changes" button to save the adjustments to the database.

Warning: This Create Through Days option impacts the entire database and will affect all users of the software.