Operator10 and Synexus Licensing and Seats

This article will assist Operator10 and Synexus users and administrators looking for information on how seats and licensing are handled by the Operator10 and Synexus applications.

Operator10 and Synexus Licensing

  • The Operator10 and Synexus license database represent a company's purchased license, and contains information related to the purchased Operator10 or Synexus product, including the Operator10 or Synexus product key and other application-specific information. 
  • The Operator10 or Synexus license database exists in a SQL Server instance, and will only ever be created once.
  • All client PCs running the Operator10 or Synexus application will connect to the same SQL Server instance that hosts the license database described above - license databases are not created on each client PC as in some other software.
  • Operator10 Wastewater license databases are always named WAS000000, where the zeroes represent the company or facility's unique six-digit AllMax Software account number. 
  • Operator10 Water license databases are always named WTR000000, where the zeroes represent the company or facility's unique six-digit AllMax Software account number.
  • Synexus Pretreatment license databases are always named PRE000000, where the zeroes represent the company or facility's unique six-digit AllMax Software account number.
  • If the Operator10 or Synexus application cannot communicate with the license database, the application will not start, and will instead begin the process of creating a new license database. For assistance, please contact AllMax Technical Support at 800-670-1867.

Operator10 and Synexus Seats

  • Operator10 and Synexus use a "per-installation" seat model, where each installation of Operator10 or Synexus counts as a seat.
  • The number of installations of Operator10 or Synexus may not exceed the number of seats purchased.
  • Seats are cleared from the database after 7 continuous days of non-usage.
  • If the seat count is continuously exceeded for 15 days from the first violation, users will begin to see messages stating that they may be in violation of the AllMax Software LLC license agreement. 
  • If the maximum number of seats continues to be exceeded for 10 days after the violation, the application will cease to function.