Understanding Work Order scheduling options.

It is possible to schedule work orders in three different ways using the Template section. Learn how to interpret the scheduling options provided in this section.

Scheduling is how it is determined when the template will generate work. If the equipment is in service, it will say Equipment In Service in Green text.  If the equipment is out of service, it will say out of service in red text.

The checkbox serves as a toggle for the scheduled data listed below. When the box is checked, the template will be active based on the specified scheduling. Conversely, if the box is left unchecked, the template will not be active and will not generate any work.

Work Templates Schedule Box

By toggling the scheduled option, users can easily deactivate a work order and prevent it from generating work orders automatically, providing the flexibility to temporarily pause automated work order creation.

There are three types of scheduling options in Antero. Days in Service/Instrument, Calendar, and Out of Service.

Days in Service/Instruments

Days in service/Instrument combines two scheduling types that can be used together. When both scheduling types are active, the one scheduled first will determine when the work order is generated.

  • Days in Service: Specify the number of days before a work order is scheduled to be generated for this Template. It is important to note that this option starts the interval from the last completed date. 

    • The scheduling of Work Templates based on Days in Service relies on specifying the number of days and the Scheduling Date to determine when work orders will be generated.
    •  Work orders scheduled by Days in Service will only be generated once any existing work orders in the Work Management section are completed and recorded in the Work Order History.

Example: For instance, if a work order is set to recur every 7 days and is initially created on the 1st of the month but not finished until the 10th, the subsequent work order will be scheduled for the 17th of the month.

If the equipment goes out of service at all, the days in service starts over again before generating work orders.



To schedule a work order based on equipment meter or gauge for generating work orders, certain fields are required when scheduling by meter. These include the Last WO Reading, Interval, and Scheduling date to calculate current usage accurately.

  • Meter: Specify the desired value for the meter interval to trigger the generation of work orders. The interval considers the Last WO Reading and the most recent reading in the history based on the Scheduling date to accurately calculate current usage. When the current usage surpasses the specified interval, a work order will be automatically created.
  • Gauge: If a reading falls outside the specified minimum and maximum values set for the template, a work order is triggered. For example, if a user wants a work order for a vehicle's tire pressure being out of range, they can set the minimum at 30 and the maximum at 35. Any time the gauge reads 29 or below, or 36 and above, a work order will be automatically generated.


Calendar Scheduled

Calendar scheduling allows users to select the specific month and day for work generation. This option provides a recurring process for creating work orders, independent of the current status of open work orders.

Setting a scheduling date is necessary to establish a starting point for the template. This date will be automatically updated to match the date when the work order is created, ensuring that the template stays on track with the defined schedule.

Templates scheduled by calendar willlook  at the Create Through Days in the database option when creating new work.


Out of Service Scheduling

The "Out of Service" scheduling type for work templates is utilized when a piece of equipment is temporarily unavailable but still requires regular preventive maintenance. Work will be generated only after the equipment has been out of service for the specified consecutive number of days. If the equipment is put back into service before this period is completed, the count will reset and a new countdown will begin the next time the equipment is taken out of service.


Tip: Templates can also be created for manual work orders that do not follow a set schedule. Utilize the Template section to easily create new work orders as needed, without the requirement to re-enter all the data each time.