How to Connect Operator10 (Wastewater/Water) or Synexus Pretreatment to an Existing SQL Server License Database

Upon startup, the application will attempt to connect to the server hosting the license database in order to validate itself.

These instructions are regarding connecting Operator10 (Wastewater/Water) or Synexus Pretreatment to a server that has already been configured with a SQL Server Express instance that already contains a license database for the given product.

Each AllMax product will have its own license database in the SQL server instance that each installation of a given product shares. Duplicate licenses violate the AllMax Software LLC license agreement.

If your database is in the Pervasive (PSQL) format, see the instructions on connecting to an existing Pervasive license database here: How to Connect Operator10/Synexus to an Existing Pervasive License Database

For instructions on creating a license database in a SQL instance, please see the article here: How to Create an Operator10/Synexus License Database

For instructions on installing and configuring SQL Server Express 2022 for AllMax Software products, please see the article here: Install and Configure SQL Server for use with AllMax Software Products

The steps in this article require the following:

The user account connecting to the SQL instance has already been granted a login to the SQL instance or is a part of an Active Directory user group with a login to the SQL instance, and they or the group must have the following minimum roles mapped to the given license database, and the databases that they will need access to: db_datareader, db_datawriter, and public.

The user must have already been added to the User Security section of the given application.

The client PC and firewall is allowing outbound traffic on TCP port 1433.

The server and firewall is allowing inbound traffic on TCP port 1433.

For instructions on granting a login to the SQL instance for a user and mapping roles, please see the Configuring Instance Security section of this article: Install and Configure SQL Server for use with AllMax Software Products

For instructions on adding a user to the User Security section of the Operator10 and Synexus applications, please see the article here: How to Add New Operator10/Synexus Users


1. Launch Operator10 Wastewater/Water or Synexus Pretreatment.

2. If the application has never connected to the SQL instance hosting your Operator10 (Wastewater/Water) or Synexus Pretreatment license database before, you will be presented with the No License Found window as in the image below:

3. Select the option "I already have a license on another computer".

4. Enter the name of the server/serving computer hosting your license database into the field (MyServerNameHere is shown above as an example). As an alternative, if DNS is not functional, an IP address can be used. The name of the SQL instance does not need to be specified, as the instance should already be using TCP port 1433 for communications, and the application will find it automatically.

5. Press the TAB key on your keyboard, and the green checkbox in the top-right should become enabled if the server is found.

6. Click the green checkbox, and the application will attempt to connect to the SQL server instance and validate the license database.

7. If successful, the database selection window will be shown, where the user will need to select their database, and then click the Open Database button.

If the server was not found, ensure that the notes at the top of this document have been reviewed regarding granting the user a login to the SQL instance, mapping their roles, and that the server and PC are allowing traffic on TCP port 1433.

If the user cannot open the selected database in step 7., ensure that the user has been added to the application's User Security section.